Saturday, March 5, 2011

See What A Morning

This is another great song from Keith Getty and Stuart Townend.  It's a great Easter anthem that has a very comfortable place in worship, be it modern or traditional.
The lyrics are based on the Easter day story that we find in the bible.  Verse one sets the scene.  It's early morning. The tomb lies empty, the grave clothes folded and Gods perfect plan in action.  Each verse finishes with that statement of Faith, a wonderful Easter Greeting  "For he lives, Christ is risen from the dead

See what a morning gloriously bright 
With the dawning of hope in Jerusalem
Folded the grave-clothes tomb filled with light
As the angels announce Christ is risen
See God's salvation plan
Wrought in love borne in pain paid in sacrifice
Fullfilled in Christ the Man
For He lives Christ is risen from the dead

 See Mary weeping "Where is He laid?"   (On the first day of the week Mary Magdalane, Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices to annoint the body of Jesus, They were concerned because they felt that none of them would be strong enough to remove the stone from infornt of the tomb.  As they reached the tomb, they saw that the stoe had already been moved)
As in sorrow she turns from the empty tomb (They entered the tomb and found it empty, the clothes were folded up)
Hears a voice speaking calling her name  (Mary Magdalane stood crying, a man said to her "woman, why are you crying?" Thinking it was the gardener, she pleaded,  Tell me where you put him".  Jesus, for that is who the man was, said to her "Mary")
It's the Master the Lord raised to life again ( Instantly Mary recognised him and responded "Teacher")
The voice that spans the years
Speaking life stirring hope bringing peace to us
(Jesus calls each one of us by name and offers us peace and love)
Will sound till He appears
For He lives Christ is risen from the dead
(again the Easter Greeting)

One with the Father Ancient of Days (Jesus was taken upto heaven to be with his Father)
Through the Spirit who clothes faith with certainty (But left with us his holy spirit)
Honour and blessing glory and praise
To the King crowned with power and authority
And we are raised with Him

Death is dead love has won Christ has conquered (through his death on the cross, he paid the debt for each one our sins.  he bought us back from Hell's claim)
And we shall reign with Him (as he told us)
For He lives Christ is risen from the dead
(again that wonderful Easter Greeting)

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